Pursuant to the requirements of the federal regulation 49 CFR part 26, all recipients of US DOT financial assistance must implement a "one-stop" certification process for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). As a result of this requirement, five US DOT-funded agencies - the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), City of Chicago, CTA, Metra, and Pace - have established the IL UCP.

The IL UCP is based on the concept of reciprocity among the agencies. "One-stop" shopping will be provided to applicants for the DBE program, such that an applicant need only to apply once for DBE certification, and the resulting decision will be honored by all participating agencies in the IL UCP.

Metra's Office of Diversity and Business Enterprise (ODBE) is requesting that all correspondence regarding DBE certification, including the DBE Certification Application, Declaration of Eligibility (DOE), NAICS Code Expansion Request, Extension of Time Requests and supporting documents, be emailed to daslewis@metrarr.com.

An acknowledgement email will be sent to confirm the receipt of your email.

If you have any questions, you can reach our office at 312-322-7391.

Click here for the Initial DBE Certification Application

Click here for the Personal Net Worth Statement (must be submitted with the certification application)