Metra ADA Advisory Committee Application

Are you interested in serving on Metra’s ADA Advisory Committee?

Over the past several decades, the Metra ADA Accessibility Committee has consisted of a wide and diverse range of participants. It has included educators, attorneys, public servants, radio personalities, human service professionals and lifelong commuters. They have been people with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities and others representing organizations who serve disability groups.

The Committee meets four times a year, on the first Tuesday of February, May, August and November. The meetings are also attended by key Metra management staff, who rely on the input of Committee members for unique perspectives that can only come from the disability community. Below is an application form that can be completed and submitted to Metra. There is also a copy of the ADA Advisory Committee bylaws, which explain the scope, responsibilities and framework of the Committee.

ADA Advisory Committee Application

Contact Preference
Which lines have you experienced most?
Representative Region

I have read and understand the requirements stated in the Metra ADA Advisory Committee bylaws and consent to the obligations of Board membership, if selected. In addition, I give permission for Metra management to review the information provided in this application as part of the application review process. It is understood that all applications will be reviewed and considered with a focus to diversity of race, disability type and applicants’ geographic location of the area served by Metra.

By submitting this application, I agree to the terms above. Metra ADA Accessibility Committee Bylaws.