Advertising and Partnering with Metra

Metra parade float adorned with colorful lights

Explore Partnership Opportunities with Metra

Whether you’re looking to advertise to thousands of daily commuters, enhance your community with art and landscaping projects, or explore leasing and development possibilities, Metra offers a variety of programs to meet your goals. Discover how we can work together to make a positive impact while reaching diverse audiences across Chicagoland.

Advertising Opportunities

All train and station advertising for Metra is managed by OUTFRONT Media. For more information, contact Ben Lewis at 312-396-5700 or .

The media in MetraMarket is ideal for capturing many desirable audiences including affluent commuters from Metra’s three Union Pacific routes. Beyond commuters, the market draws in a multitude of on-the-go audiences who frequent the many options for dining and quick retail conveniences, including Chicago’s French Market, which serves more than 7,000 visitors daily. For more information, contact Ben Lewis at OUTFRONT Media at 312-396-5700 or

Are you looking to make a huge impact across Chicagoland? Then train wraps are the way to go. Your message could be seen rolling throughout Chicagoland by audiences who make sense for your brand. For more information, contact Ben Lewis at OUTFRONT Media at 312-396-5700 or

If you are introducing a new product, what better way to do so then by putting a sample directly in the hands of your potential customers? Do you want to set up an experience for the vast numbers of customers in the Metra stations daily? Through our Station Sampling/Experiential program, you can reach specific audiences or the masses. For more information, contact Ben Lewis at OUTFRONT Media at 312-396-5700 or All station sampling/experiential requests are subject to approval.

Reaching a wide audience is vital to business today and now Metra offers you the opportunity to direct your advertising message to a prime consumer base - Metra train riders. Individual rail line schedules are printed in minimum quantities of 25,000. These schedules are reused by riders and shared by co-workers, families, students, and visitors. They are distributed at Metra stations, libraries, village/city offices and other public places, as well as numerous private businesses, reaching thousands of people each year. Eleven different commuter rail schedules are printed, with a total of over two million schedules printed every year. An attractive feature is that advertisers can purchase space for a particular line or for multiple rail line schedules. For more information, email

My Metra magazine is distributed on trains and posted on Metra's website every quarter. It is read by tens of thousands of riders and reaches some of the Chicago area’s savviest consumers. For details about advertising in the magazine, please see our media kit.

Real Estate & Leasing

Metra offers leasing and vendor opportunities at various locations on property it owns. However, some of Metra's stations are owned and operated by municipalities or master tenants. Metra also has limited vacant land available. If you are interested in a particular site or would like to learn more about available opportunities, please contact Metra's Leasing Manager at 312-322-6477.

Property Access

The Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (Metra), a division of a municipal corporation, owns or controls railroad right of way (ROW) on the Rock Island Line, the two Milwaukee District lines (North and West), the Metra Electric Line, and the SouthWest Service in Cook, DuPage, Will, McHenry, Kane and Lake counties in Illinois. If you need access to the ROW for any reason, including but not limited to surveying, development, utility installation, planning or construction, you or your company must obtain permission from Metra as evidenced by a Right of Entry Agreement executed by Metra. Please see the appropriate application and construction standards below and, if additional information is required, please call Metra's Right of Way Administrator at 312-322-8004 for details and to obtain the necessary agreement.

The boundary of the rail ROW is like any other property line, and should be respected when determining building setback and buffer requirements established by local zoning laws. It is vitally important to accurately depict the location of the Metra ROW and the nature of our ownership rights on any survey, plan or development that occurs near the ROW.

Licenses and Permits

Any business, roadway, utility or residence that occupies or desires to occupy any part of the ROW must be licensed by Metra. Metra has procedures in place to determine whether or not rights will be granted to those who wish to use certain areas of the ROW for residential or commercial purposes. For assistance in obtaining the required documentation, please call Metra's Right of Way Administrator at 312-322-8004.

Utility Crossings and ROW Occupations

Metra has developed applications and design guidelines for ROW occupations. These guidelines and their manuals are available for download below. You will need the Adobe Reader to view these manuals and applications.


It can take a train up to a mile and a half to come to a complete stop. Construction workers, survey crews and others with permission who are working within or near the ROW should stay alert and always expect a train at any time, on any track, in either direction. Remember, trains can't stop quickly, but you can.

Hours of Operation

Work on Metra's ROW is allowed during non-rush hour times only. These allowable times are generally between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at the discretion of the Transportation Department of the district impacted by the work. Night hours and weekend work will be determined by Metra on a case-by-case basis.

Flagging Protection

In general, a railroad flagman is required any time work is performed within the Metra ROW. This protection cannot be provided by any personnel other than an authorized Metra employee. Metra will make the sole determination as to whether flagging protection is required based on the work to be performed. The minimum hour for a railroad flagman is 8 hours per day. The overtime rate shall be charged for all time in excess of 8 hours. Flagmen are paid from the time they leave their headquarters to the time they return.

Changes to Facilities

Temporary and permanent changes to signal, communication, power transmission lines, trailers, drainage and other railroad facilities required in connection with the project to clear the temporary and/or permanent work to be performed by the contractor as shown on the approved construction plans, will be made by Metra or Metra's duly authorized agent, at the sole cost and expense of the contractor in accordance with Metra's force account estimate. Any other changes made or services furnished by Metra shall be at the sole cost and expense of the contractor.


Metra has specific insurance requirements for any work performed on, over, under or across its ROW. Any questions pertaining to Metra's insurance requirements can be answered by calling Metra Risk Management at 312-322-1455.

Please note that Metra's requirements apply only to the property it owns and/or controls. Other railroad ROWs are owned and operated by Union Pacific Railroad, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern and BNSF Railway. Each of these entities has its own ROW specifications and policies.

Available Contact Information for Metra Railroad Partners:

A Metra train leaving Millennium Station

Community Enhancement Program

At Metra, we believe that aesthetic enhancements at stations and facilities can be an integral component of broader community outreach and partnership-building efforts. Our train stations and surrounding areas are visible landmarks known to riders and non-riders alike.

By using art, painting and station enhancements and landscaping and gardening projects, Metra seeks to foster a strong sense of pride and ownership for riders and neighbors living in each community we serve.

Art Projects

Art reflecting the unique characteristics of the local community, including murals on or adjacent to facilities, free-standing sculptures, mosaics or photographs.

Painting and Community Enhancements

Beautification of public areas including viaducts, columns and bridge walls.

Landscaping and Gardening Projects

Installation and maintenance of plants, shrubs and flowers or other landscaping and garden enhancements.

Applications from community groups and individuals representing community groups are accepted throughout the year. The process to review applications can vary by project and complexity. Metra will respond to proposers within 45 days of the submission receipt as to the status of the application.

Applicants must be able to fund their projects, although, in some cases, Metra may be able to contribute some materials or workforce support to make them more lasting and safe.

  • Artistic quality of the proposed enhancement
  • Appropriateness of the proposed enhancement to the site
  • Permanence, durability, maintainability and use of high-quality materials
  • Absence of hazards to the public
  • Recommended measures to protect against vandalism

Metra provides final approval of all projects and reserves the right to reject applications. All projects will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will require approval by the local elected official in each community.

For more information regarding Metra’s Community Enhancement Program, please contact Community Relations at 312-322-6753.

Photography and Videography

For safety and security reasons, photography or videography on Metra property is only permitted in areas that are clearly open to public use.  Areas that are accessible only to Metra employees, including but not limited to the right-of way and rail yards, are highly restricted areas and are not accessible for photography or videography by the general public. Metra will prosecute trespassers to the fullest extent of the law.

Individuals seeking permission for all photographic and videographic opportunities should contact Metra at at least 45-60 business days prior to their proposed first shoot day, Monday-Friday, excluding Metra holidays.

Metra will evaluate your proposal. If your proposal is approved, you will be required to agree to the terms and conditions of a License Agreement for Film and Video Productions, which includes restrictions on use of Metra property and equipment, an indemnification provision, and insurance requirements. A location fee, and a fee for use of Metra equipment, location and services, and Metra staff time are applicable and will be assessed. All applicable fees must be paid in full and insurance requirements must be met before you begin your activity on Metra property.

Submitting a proposal does not guarantee that Metra will issue an agreement for filming. Metra’s primary purpose is to provide safe, secure, reliable and clean transportation services. Metra may, at its sole discretion, deny your request to prevent interference with Metra’s primary transportation responsibilities or because we feel it portrays Metra in a negative fashion or has security impacts on the operation.