Project Updates
Attention Union Pacific North Line Neighbors
On Monday, March 3, a contractor hired by Metra is scheduled to begin removing select trees and other vegetation in the Union Pacific Railroad right of way to make way for the first segments of the UP North Rebuild: Fullerton to Addison bridge replacement project. The tree removal work will start on the east side of the tracks from Fullerton to Schubert, then on the east side from Belmont to Addison, then on the west side from Addison to Belmont, and finally on the west side from Schubert to Fullerton. It will not include any work between Diversey and Belmont. The work will be done Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is expected to be completed by April 1. No trees or vegetation on private property will be removed, but there will be some limited removal on the public right of way where needed to facilitate access to the work area on the railroad right of way.
Metra is committed to providing the community with updates about the UP North Rebuild: Fullerton to Addison Project and would like to provide you with a brief Project update:
Public Way Survey
Metra is seeking feedback from community members on landscaping improvements and community identifiers within the public way to ensure all voices are heard. To provide your feedback on the initial landscape design concepts for the public way, please click here and complete the survey before Monday, May 13, 2024.
Your feedback on these initial concepts will help inform the landscape design improvement for the following public way locations as part of this Project:
- West side public way between Roscoe Street and Belmont Avenue
- East side public way between Wellington Avenue and Cornelia Avenue
- Cross street landscape and street improvements
- Roscoe Village identifier options
Project Status
Final engineering and design development are underway and anticipated to be finalized in 2024. Once this is complete, Metra can secure a contractor and move forward with construction. Metra plans to host a preconstruction meeting to inform the public of the upcoming work prior to the start of construction. At this time, initial site preparation work is anticipated to begin in late 2024 and construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.
Updated FAQ
The Project website will continue to be updated with additional information to address questions about the temporary easement process and ahead of construction. The Frequently Asked Questions section of the website has been updated to address some newly asked questions.
Additionally, the results of the environmental review process are available below.
Adjacent Property Owners
In Fall 2023, Metra initiated the temporary easement and restoration process with adjacent private property owners. Initial letters were delivered in October to affected property owners and Metra met with adjacent property owners along the west side of the tracks from Belmont Avenue to just south of Diversey Parkway to discuss the temporary easement process. The team will continue to coordinate with adjacent property owners regarding temporary easements.
If you are an adjacent property owner with questions or concerns, please reach out to
Public Way
In Winter 2024, Metra hosted the first of two public way focus group meetings to gather feedback on options to add landscaping improvements and community identifiers along the public way near the Project. Focus group participants included stakeholders and community group representatives who were selected with input from local aldermen and the Cook County Commissioner’s Office.
Metra has been working diligently on project updates over the past year. Following the public meeting in April 2022, Metra carefully reviewed all public comments, identified feasible design adjustments to address these comments, secured additional funding for the Project, and completed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review.
Engineering and design development are underway with construction anticipated to begin in 2024. As design and engineering progress, Metra will continue coordinating with Union Pacific, community stakeholders, and adjacent residents on further project details.
Proposed Design Adjustments
Based on further analysis and community feedback, the following design adjustments are being implemented along the project corridor:
- Offset the west side retaining wall at least two feet east from the property line where immediately adjacent to residential property between Belmont Avenue and south of Diversey Parkway
- Install solid safety barriers above the west side retaining wall, where immediately adjacent to residential property from Belmont Avenue to south of Diversey Parkway (height and materials will be determined at a later date)
- Repave and restore roadways and sidewalks under every new bridge (previously only included at four bridge locations)
- Install lighting improvements under the Addison Street bridge (similar improvements were already planned at other bridges)
- Include additional landscaping improvements where feasible in areas adjacent to the railroad
Community input will be sought to develop landscape concepts, including options to enhance the tree canopy and options for residents to consider when restoring areas required for temporary easements. This community-focused design effort builds upon past work, including input gathered from the April 2022 public meeting and survey.
Public Outreach
Metra will reach out to residents immediately adjacent to the west side of the railroad from Belmont Avenue to south of Diversey Parkway to discuss further Project details and the need for temporary easements. Input from community stakeholders will also be sought to identify further community-friendly design improvements along the corridor. Prior to construction, a public meeting will take place to notify the community of construction-related activities.
The Project website will continue to be updated as the Project progresses. The community is welcome to submit any questions to
The Metra UP North Rebuild: Fullerton to Addison Project along Metra’s Union Pacific North (UP-N) Line consists of the following project elements:
- The replacement of 11 railroad bridges from Fullerton Avenue to Cornelia Avenue;
- The replacement of retaining walls where required from Fullerton Avenue to Addison Street;
- Shifting tracks west between Fullerton Avenue and Addison Street to align with the existing tracks north and south of the project area;
- The lowering of Roscoe Street and Cornelia Avenue to maintain current clearance under the roadway and the CTA Brown Line;
- Refurbish, including painting, the existing Lincoln/Addison bridge; and
- Some utility work along the project corridor.
Further project details and updates are provided in the Project’s Frequently Asked Questions section here.

The UP-N Line bridges are 120 years old. Along with the adjacent retaining walls, these bridges have surpassed their functional lifespan and can no longer be economically repaired and maintained. This project will modernize the existing infrastructure, reduce maintenance needs along the UP-N Line, create efficiencies and reduce operating costs, and improve the customer experience with increased reliability and passenger comfort.
The project will result in new bridge structures that enhance the resiliency and reliability of Metra UP North rail service and improve accessibility at railroad underpasses. More specifically, the benefits of the Project include:
- Modernized infrastructure along the corridor through the replacement of outdated structures.
- Improved accessibility from reconstructed underpasses with increased lighting and ADA accessible pedestrian travel paths, where applicable.
- Improved energy efficiency, reduction of oil and diesel fuel dependence, and improved air quality through a reduction in congestion-related emissions due to less service delays and the ability to maintain consistent locomotive speeds.
- Improvements to the customer experience through increased passenger comfort and reliability. Although there will not be an increase in the number of trains or service on the line, infrastructure improvements will reduce potential service interruptions and delays.
The total estimated construction cost of the project is $337 million. Funds totaling $279.1 million are currently allocated for its implementation.
- $6 million from 2019 Federal Transit Administration 5337 State of Good Repair Funds
- $156.1 million from Rebuild Illinois Bond Funds
- $117 million from the Mega Program created by the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Metra is currently reviewing additional funding opportunities for this Project.
Environmental Review
Metra and the FTA have prepared a NEPA Documented Categorical Exclusion (DCE) to assess environmental impacts associated with this Project. The environmental review included comprehensive studies on historic and cultural resources, noise and vibration, natural resources, and other relevant topics.
On June 21, 2023, the FTA determined that the proposed Project meets the criteria for a NEPA categorical exclusion in accordance with C.F.R. § 771.118(d)(2). Therefore, the environmental review needed for this Project has been completed.
The NEPA DCE document and its appendices can be found here:
- DCE Appendices
- Approval letter
Further details on the NEPA process are provided in the FAQ.
UP North Line Background
The UP North Line provides rail service to passengers between downtown Chicago, suburban communities in Cook and Lake counties, and Kenosha, Wisconsin. Most of its 27 stations throughout 15 communities have been in their existing general location for more than a century. The UP North Line carries 70 passenger trains per weekday. Based on March 2023 conductor passenger counts, approximately 20,600 passengers use the UP North Line on an average mid-weekday (Tuesday through Thursday), which represents more than 14% of Metra's total system passenger ridership (140,300) on an average mid-weekday. This Project will secure another century of connectivity for rail passengers and the local community.
This project is currently in the final design phase. An environmental review process has been completed in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The Project is anticipated to be constructed in three stages. Construction is expected to begin in 2025, with completion expected in 2030. Further details on the Project’s timeline and construction stages are provided in the Project’s Frequently Asked Questions section here.

Construction Plan
Construction of the Project has been divided into three segments as illustrated below to minimize the impact of the five-year Project on local communities while maintaining all rail operations.
- Advanced Tree Removal is planned to occur in early 2025 and will focus on tree removals needed in Segments 1 and 2 only.
- Segment 1 is planned for 2025 to 2027 and will include all bridges, retaining walls and track and roadway work in the area from the Chicago River to Diversey Parkway.
- Segment 2 is expected to begin in late 2025 or early 2026 and continue through 2027/2028. Work will include construction of the west retaining walls and the Addison Street and Cornelia Avenue bridge replacement work from Belmont Avenue to Fullerton Avenue.
- The final section, Segment 3, is expected begin in late 2027 or early 2028 and continue through 2030. Work will include all bridges, the east retaining walls, west retaining walls adjacent to residential properties, and the remaining track and roadway work from Diversey Parkway north to Fullerton Avenue.
This plan will limit major construction impacts to specific local areas for set periods, rather than affecting the entire Project corridor at once.
There will be some street and sidewalk closures throughout the Project, and property owners with backyards, gardens or other property adjacent to the railroad may be impacted by construction. Metra is working to develop a comprehensive construction communications plan to ensure that members of the community are notified of construction impacts well before they occur.

Construction in the Community
The Project is anticipated to be constructed in three stages to maintain all rail operations and reduce disruptions to pedestrian, bicycle, and auto traffic. There will be some street and sidewalk closures throughout the project that the community will be notified about beforehand. Additionally, property owners with backyards, gardens, or other property adjacent to the railroad may be impacted by construction. Metra is currently conducting outreach and coordination with these property owners. Further information on construction near adjacent properties is provided here.
If you are an adjacent property owner or resident and have any specific questions or concerns about the Project, please contact
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read answers to frequently asked questions about this Project.
Public Outreach
Current Outreach
Metra is currently engaging with residents whose properties are adjacent to the Project corridor regarding the temporary easement and restoration process.
In Winter 2023, Metra hosted the first of two public way focus group meetings to gather feedback on options to add landscaping improvements and community identifiers along the public way near the Project. Focus group participants included stakeholders and community group representatives who were selected with input from local aldermen and the Cook County Commissioner’s Office.
Metra is also seeking feedback from community members to ensure all voices are heard. To provide your feedback on the initial landscape design concepts for the public way, please click here and complete the survey before Monday, May 13, 2024.
Your feedback on these initial concepts will help inform the landscape design improvement for the following public way locations as part of this Project:
- West side public way between Roscoe Street and Belmont Avenue
- East side public way between Wellington Avenue and Cornelia Avenue
- Cross street landscape and street improvements
- Roscoe Village identifier options
Second Public Meeting – 4/27/2022
Metra hosted a public open house on April 27 to provide project updates to the community, including the modernization process and proposed shifts in track locations, environmental analysis results, timeline, and next steps. Please see below for all materials shared with the community.
- Presentation
- Presentacion con subtitulos en español
- Brochure
- Construction Options Considered Overview
- Project Overview Exhibit Boards
- Construction Overview Exhibit Boards
- NEPA Overview Exhibit Boards
- Community Voices Exhibit Boards
First Public Meeting – 9/9/2021
An initial public meeting was held on September 9, 2021, to introduce the project and to hear from the team details on how we plan to modernize our 120-year-old bridges, project scope, benefits, and timeline.
Watch the recording of the public meeting below:
Video con subtítulos en español:
Review 9/9/2021 presentation slides here.
Stay Informed
The community is welcome to provide comments and ask questions via email at
For media inquiries, please contact Michael Gillis at