Metra/Pace Harvey Transportation Center

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Project Overview

Metra and Pace, in collaboration with the City of Harvey, are embarking on an impressive project to replace the Pace Harvey Transportation Center and modernize the Metra Harvey Station. The transit hub is home to 10 Pace bus routes with nearly 2,500 boardings each weekday. The project includes the reconstruction of the bus transportation center to connect to the renovated Metra Electric Line Harvey Station, allowing safer and easier transfers. The Metra Electric Line runs between Millennium Station in downtown Chicago and the South Side and south suburbs.

The entire facility will be accessible to people with disabilities and include a dedicated area for ADA paratransit vehicles, resulting in an upgraded riding experience and enhanced job access for all throughout south Cook County.

Project benefits include:

  • Easier transfers between Pace buses and Metra trains, especially for people with mobility limitations.
  • Enhanced job access for those commuting into Chicago and the northern suburbs.
  • Improved, fully-ADA compliant service, including a dedicated area for ADA paratransit vehicles, for riders with disabilities who use fixed route and/or paratransit service.
  • New, interior waiting areas and passenger restrooms.
  • A canopied Pace boarding area with four additional bus bays.
  • Metra platform improvements with new platform canopy.
  • An expanded Metra entrance at Park Ave. and 154th St. and a modernized Metra entrance at 155th St.
  • New vendor space
  • Modernized elevator
  • A consolidated commuter parking lot
  • Bicycle parking
  • New lighting and wayfinding
  • Hiring opportunities for hundreds of construction jobs in south suburban communities in need of reinvestment.
  • Demonstrated support for the federal government’s new Justice40 economic investment initiative, as bus routes serving this hub travel through some of Illinois’ most underserved communities.

Project Area Map

Project Area Map


This project will transform Pace’s Harvey Transportation Center and the Metra Electric Harvey Station into a unified, modern multimodal transportation center to better serve the people of our region. Both facilities will be reconstructed for rider comfort, safety, and accessibility.

The station improvements will boost inclusive economic growth in the City of Harvey, create jobs, enhance resident quality of life, and provide a more attractive transportation alternative to driving. These community benefits are aligned with the standard set by the Biden Administration’s Justice40 Initiative, aiming to implement more equitable development and infrastructure improvements in historically disinvested communities.


The total estimated project cost is $70 million. Funding sources include a $20 million Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, investment through the State’s Rebuild Illinois bill, and Pace and Metra capital funds.

Future year funding may also need to be identified to complete the project.

Total Project Cost$70 million
USDOT RAISE Grant$20 million
Pace Project Cost Share$23.15 million
     Rebuild IL Funding     $12.3 million
     Other Pace Federal Capital     $10.85 million
Metra Project Cost Share$26.85 million
     Rebuild IL Funding     $4 million
     Other Metra Federal Capital     $22.85 million



Preliminary Engineering for replacement of the station facilities is complete and an environmental review process has been conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The final design process will continue through 2025. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.

Contact Information

For general inquiries or to sign-up to receive email notifications for surveys and public open house information, or media inquiries, please contact the team at